Sunday, June 12, 2011

Things I am looking forward to...

Five months ago, my husband left for our second deployment.
He is coming home on his midtour leave in a few days.
Needless to say, I am excited.
We have been married for 6 years and we have spent way too much time apart because of the Army.
I do not even want to start doing the math...
We celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary in February. It was the 4th we were spending apart...

I cannot begin to describe how excited I am to see my husband again.
Nobody who has not been through a deployment can ever imagine the anticipation and the enormous thrill you feel once you see your husband again after having been apart for what feels like an eternity.
Your heart is racing,
your knees are weak
and the whole world around you gets blurry
and stands still.
All you want to do is run to them and jump into their arms.
That is the moment I am looking forward to the most.
That first hug,
that first kiss,
that incredible feeling of happiness soaring through your body.

And then there's the small things...
Making breakfast for him in the morning...
Fighting over the blankets at night...
That kiss goodnight...
Being able to curl up next to him at night when I can't sleep...
Being able to talk to him any time I want to...
His smell..
Feeling complete after having felt incomplete for so long...

And this is just me...
I cannot even imagine how it will be for him and our two children...
Our daughter is 3 1/2, she misses her daddy more than I could have ever imagined.
We are planning on surprising her when her daddy comes home.
I cannot wait to see her face when she sees her daddy.
That first hug, seeing them reunited and happy...
Seeing my husband with our 11 month old son
who was only a small baby when he left...
Watching him be in awe about how much he has changed...

Us being a family again...

It will only be for two weeks but those two short weeks are almost enough to make it through the rest of the deployment.
Until he finally comes home for good...


  1. Awww... this is such an exciting time!!! You probably feel like you're going to burst from all the excitement and happiness!! ;) I can't wait to see pictures of all of you together again! How are the preparations going? Have you picked out outfits? :)

  2. Ooooh...da kireg ich ganz Tränen in die Augen beim Lesen ;o)! Du hast echt Talent zum Schreiben!
    Freu mich riesig für Euch, dass Ihr Euch endlich wiederseht! Bleibts bei dem vorgesehenen Datum? Fährst Du dann alleine an den Flughafen zum Abholen oder nimmst Du die Kids gleich mit?
    Wünsche Euch auf jeden Fall zwei tolle Wochen zusammen und gaaaanz viel Spaß bei Euren Ausflügen und Eurem Beisammensein! Hoffe Ihr könnt die Zeit in vollen Zügen genießen!

    Gaaanz liebe Grüßle und bis bald

  3. I just got chills reading your post! I cannot wait until you are together as a family. I don't know what deployment is like but I have been separated from my family because of school and that first hug back feels so amazing.

    It's like the world is just right...finally!
